This Software Rocks for Processing Planetary Data

22 November 2017

The Integrated System for Imagers and Spectrometers (ISIS) is one of the most reliable specialty software packages designed for cartographic and scientific processing of images acquired from NASA and other science missions. This software rocks and it’s free. Although many planetary enthusiasts are familiar with this priceless software, it may be news to others.


It is our pleasure at the USGS Astrogeology Science Center to help scientists, academia, and the general public learn about ISIS tools and applications to make their scientific work and research easier.

A tight budget does not mean you need to go without because you have just found over 400 ISIS applications, a gold mine of free tools for your image processing needs. Even if you have an unlimited budget, lucky you can spend those funds elsewhere. Yes, source code is free and yes, customer support is free. The old adage that “nothing good is free” or “you get what you pay for” are for those who believe a pot of gold can be found under the rainbow.

You are invited to learn more about ISIS software for serious planetary processing needs, and better still, you can bookmark this page for ISIS news and updates. You will be happy that you did.
