Eating Together Boost Productivity?

13 February 2018

Astrogeology employees did not attend a ball or a parade for Mardis Gras, but together had a good lunch with a Mardis Gras theme. Besides sharing a good meal, they may have reaped a secondary benefit. According to a new Cornell University study, the team may see a boost in productivity if they eat together more often. ‘‘Workplace satisfaction is so much higher if you eat with your colleagues,’’ Brian Wansink, the director of Cornell University’s Food and Brand Lab, told the Times. ‘‘You like your job more — and you like your colleagues better."


Many employees reported having a great time, today, eating together. There were many smiling faces and the discovery of more great cooks on the team. Lisa’s gumbo was to die for, and Rose’s homemade bread and rolls were scrumptious for the sandwiches. People asked repeatedly who had made the Warm Cajun Shrimp Dip (Bonnie, of course.).

The King cake is a traditional Mardi Gras dessert with a tiny plastic baby inside. What does it mean if you find the baby in the King Cake? Lisa Gaddis, who started this yearly luncheon at Astro said,  “You get to host the next party.” It’s fun to watch employees take a slice of the irresistable King Cake (one homemade by Roxie) and either look frightened that they may need to host the next party, or they hope to get the baby because it also signifies good luck. Congratulations to Tom (for the second year) and to Summer for getting this year's babies.


Either way, eating lunch together was reportedly good. And, there is no choice in the matter of being productive because among other immediate tasks to be done, proposal reviews start tomorrow!
