Kaguya Lunar Multiband Imager 59mpp
Mineral Map | Raster Data | Remote-sensing Data 2016-09-01This mosaic represents the abundance of the mineral clinopyroxene on the surface of the Moon, expressed as weight percent (wt%). The mosaic was created from topographically-corrected MI reflectance data acquired by the

Kaguya Lunar Multiband Imager MI Derived Clinopyroxene Weight Percent 50N50S 512ppd 59mpp
Mineral Map | Raster Data | Remote-sensing Data 2016-09-01This mosaic represents the abundance of the mineral clinopyroxene on the surface of the Moon, expressed as weight percent (wt%). The mosaic was created from topographically-corrected MI reflectance data acquired by the

Kaguya Lunar Multiband Imager MI Derived FeO Weight Percent 50N50S 512ppd 59mpp
Mineral Map | Raster Data | Remote-sensing Data 2016-09-01This mosaic represents the abundance of iron (Fe) on the surface of the Moon, expressed as weight percent of iron oxide (FeO wt%). The mosaic was created from topographically-corrected MI reflectance data

Kaguya Lunar Multiband Imager MI Derived Olivine Weight Percent 50N50S 512ppd 59mpp
Mineral Map | Raster Data | Remote-sensing Data 2016-09-01This mosaic represents the abundance of the mineral olivine on the surface of the Moon, expressed as weight percent (wt%). The mosaic was created from the topographically corrected MI reflectance data acquired

Kaguya Lunar Multiband Imager MI Derived Optical Maturity OMAT 50N50S 512ppd 59mpp
Mineral Map | Raster Data | Remote-sensing Data 2016-09-01This mosaic represents the optical maturity (OMAT) of the surface of the Moon. OMAT is a unitless quantity that acts as a relative measure of the degree to which lunar soil has

Kaguya Lunar Multiband Imager MI Derived Orthopyroxene Weight Percent 50N50S 512ppd 59mpp
Mineral Map | Raster Data | Remote-sensing Data 2016-09-01This mosaic represents the abundance of the mineral orthopyroxene on the surface of the Moon, expressed as weight percent (wt%). The mosaic was created from topographically-corrected MI reflectance data acquired by the

Kaguya Lunar Multiband Imager MI Derived Plagioclase Grain Size 50N50S 512ppd 59mpp
Mineral Map | Raster Data | Remote-sensing Data 2016-09-01This mosaic represents the grain size of the mineral plagioclase on the surface of the Moon, expressed in units of micrometers (microns). The mosaic was created from topographically-corrected MI reflectance data acquired

Kaguya Lunar Multiband Imager MI Derived Plagioclase Weight Percent 50N50S 512ppd 59mpp
Mineral Map | Raster Data | Remote-sensing Data 2016-09-01This mosaic represents the abundance of the mineral plagioclase on the surface of the Moon, expressed as weight percent (wt%). The mosaic was created from topographically-corrected MI reflectance data acquired by the

Kaguya Lunar Multiband Imager MI Derived Weighted Criteria Value 50N50S 512ppd 59mpp
Mineral Map | Raster Data | Remote-sensing Data 2016-09-01This mosaic represents the weighted criteria values associated with a collection of near-global lunar mineral maps produced by Lemelin et al using data from the Kaguya Multiband Imager (MI). The weighted criteria

Lunar Kaguya Multiband Imager Mosaics
Collection 2015-01-01This page introduces the Kaguya Multiband Imager derived spectral and derived mineral maps by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and the University of Hawaii. The mosaics were created from topographically-corrected MI

Moon SELENE Kaguya MI Central Peak Mosaics 512m
Color | Grey Scale | Mineral Map | Raster Data | Remote-sensing Data 2015-05-11Product Information: The Multiband Imager (MI) mosaics contain 34 mosaics in 32bit GeoTiff format of the topographically corrected reflectance data acquired by the MI in 9 spectral bands, 415, 750, 900, 950,

Moon SELENE Kaguya MI Derived Submicroscopic Metallic Iron Mosaic 59m
Grey Scale | Mineral Map | Raster Data | Remote-sensing Data 2016-09-01Product Information: This mosaic represents SELenological and Engineering Explorer (SELENE) Kaguya Multiband Imager (MI) derived submicroscopic metallic iron (SMFe; Taylor et al., 2010). The mosaic was created from topographically-corrected MI reflectance data

Moon SELENE Kaguya MI Global Reflectance Mosaic 237m
Global Mosaic | Raster Data | Remote-sensing Data 2015-08-01Product Information: This Multiband Imager (MI) 750nm mosaic is topographically corrected reflectance data acquired by the the SELenological and Engineering Explorer (SELENE) Kaguya mission. The MI has 9 spectral bands, at 415,