Moon Clementine NIR Empirical Calibration 500m

Global Mosaic | Remote-sensing Data

Product Information: This mosaic represents a reduced-resolution version of the empirical calibration Clementine near-infrared (NIR) mosaic processed to 500 meters per pixel (m) spatial resolution as an ISIS cube (70° N to

Moon Clementine NIR Standard Calibration 500m

Global Mosaic | Remote-sensing Data

Product Information: This mosaic represents a reduced-resolution version of the standard calibration Clementine near-infrared (NIR) mosaic processed to 500 meters per pixel (m) as an ISIS cube (70° N to 70° S).

Moon Clementine UVVIS 5 Band Warped Image Mosaic 200m

Global Mosaic | Mineral Map | Remote-sensing Data 2008-03-01

Product Information: The Clementine Ultraviolet/Visible (UVVIS) mosaic of Earth's Moon is a radiometrically and geometrically controlled, photometrically modeled global Mosaicked Digital Image Model (DIM) compiled using more than 400,000 images from multiple

Moon Clementine UVVIS Global Mosaic 118m

Global Mosaic | Image | Remote-sensing Data 2009-04-09

Product Information: The Clementine Ultraviolet/Visible (UVVIS) Version 2 mosaic is a grayscale data set representing the albedo (brightness of the lunar surface) as measured at the 750 nanometer (nm) wavelength by the

Moon Clementine UVVIS Warped Color Ratio Mosaic 200m

Global Mosaic | Mineral Map | Remote-sensing Data 2008-08-15

Product Information: This base represents the Clementine Ultraviolet/Visible (UVVIS) warped color-ratio mineral map. This was generated from the UVVIS mosaics using three spectral filters (415, 750, and 1000 nm) and which were

Moon Lunar Orbiter - Clementine UVVISv2 Hybrid Mosaic 59m

Global Mosaic | Merge | Raster Data

Product Information: The is a blend (or overlay) of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Clementine Ultraviolet/Visible (UVVIS) V2 mosaic and the original USGS Lunar Orbiter mosaic. The Clementine 750 nm Version 2