Welcome to USGSCSM’s documentation!¶
- Release:
- Date:
Feb 25, 2025
Issues and Version Control¶
This project is hosted on GitHub. If you run into a problem, please open an issue on our issue tracker.
- Library Reference
- Cameras that can be used with USGSCSM
- Cassini Imaging Subsystem
- Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Miniature Radio-Frequency
- Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Narrow Angle Camera
- Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Wide Angle Camera
- Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Context Camera
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Mars Color Imager
- Messenger Dual Imaging System
- Kaguya Terrain Camera
- Kaguya Multiband Imagery platform
- Available Cameras that have not been evaluated
- Apollo Metric
- Chandrayaan1 Moon Mineralogy Mapper
- Chandrayaan1 Forerunner
- Clementine Ultraviolet/Visible
- Clementine Near-Infrared
- Clementine High-Resolution
- Clementine Long-Wave Infrared
- Clipper Europa Imaging System
- Dawn Framing Camera
- Galileo Solid State Imager
- Hayabusa Asteroid Multi-band Imaging Camera
- Hayabusa Near Infrared Spectrometer
- Hayabusa2 Optical Navigation Camera
- JunoCam
- LunarOrbiter High Camera
- Mariner10
- MarsGlobalSurveyor Mars Orbiter Camera Wide Angle Camera
- MarsGlobalSurveyor Mars Orbiter Camera Narrow Angle Camera
- Near MultiSpectral Imager
- Mars Science Laboritory Mast Camera
- Mars Science Laboritory Navigation Camera
- New Horizons Long Range Reconnaissance Imager
- Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System Infrared
- Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System Visible
- OsirisRex SamCam
- OsirisRex PolyCam
- OsirisRex NavCam
- Rosetta Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer
- TGO Color and Stereo Surface Imaging System
- Viking
- Voyager Wide/Narrow Angle Camera
- Creating an environment
- Creating and testing an ISD
- usgscsm_cam_test