Kaguya Terrain Camera

The Kaguya Terrain Camera (TC) is a dual-band, stereo, linescan camera with a spatial resolution of 20 meters per pixel. This set of sensors uses two telescopic imaging instruments, one pointed forward, and one pointed backward. Together, these instruments provide data necessary to create stereoscopic imagery.

Processing Kaguya TC Images

Begin by generating an ISD as described in the section on Creating and testing an ISD.

import json
import os
import csmapi
import ale
import pvl
from ale.drivers import JsonEncoder
from ale.drivers.kaguya_drivers import KaguyaTcPds3NaifSpiceDriver

image = "images/TC2W2B0_01_00366S490E1640.img"
alelabel = os.path.splitext(image)[0]+".json"

label = pvl.load(image)
driver = KaguyaTcPds3NaifSpiceDriver(image)

with driver as d:
    aledict = d.to_dict()

json.dump(aledict, open(alelabel, "w"), cls=JsonEncoder)

nlines, nsamples = aledict["image_lines"], aledict["image_samples"]

plugin = csmapi.Plugin.getList()[0]
isd = csmapi.Isd(alelabel)
camera = plugin.constructModelFromISD(isd, model)

Kaguya Multiband Imagery platform

The Kaguya Multiband Imagery (MI) platform comprises two different instruments – a visible light sensor (VIS) and a near infrared sensor (NIR). The visible light sensor has a spatial resolution of 20 meters per pixel, and collects 5 bands of data via a bandpass filter. The near infrared sensor is responsible for collecting 4 bands of data at a resolution of 62 meters per pixel.

Processing Kaguya MI Images