Creating and testing an ISD

This tutorial assumes that the user has created a conda environment with ale, usgscsm, and csmapi installed.

Generating an ISD with ALE

ISD generation is the first step in processing an image with the models provided by USGSCSM. ISDs can be easily generated with the use of ALE, which generates ISDs through the use of the “load” and “loads” functions After installing the library (as described on the repository), one can generate an ISD using the image’s label in the following fashion:

import ale

image_label_path = "/path/to/my/image.lbl"
isd_string = ale.loads(image_label_path)

Under some circumstances, ALE fails to identify a set of kernels to properly generate an ISD, and users will receive the message

“No Such Driver for Label.”

Under these circumstances, the user must explicitly pass the desired kernel set to the loads function. This kernel set can be generated from a spiceinit’d cub and passed to ale as follows:

kernels = ale.util.generate_kernels_from_cube(spice_initted_cub, expand=True)
isd = ale.loads(img_file, props={'kernels': kernels})

After generating the ISD in Python, it is necessary to save it to disc. This is accomplished via Python builtin functions such as:

with open('out.json', 'w') as f:

Testing the ISD

USGSCSM includes a test utility that can be used to verify the integrity of an ISD by loading a camera model and performing basic tests. This utility is located in the USGSCSM build directory, and requires only the path to the ISD from the previous step.

./usgscsm_cam_test –model /Path/to/isd.json

A successful test will result in output similar to the following:

Detected CSM plugin: UsgsAstroPluginCSM Number of models for this plugin: 4 Loaded a CSM model of type USGS_ASTRO_LINE_SCANNER_SENSOR_MODEL from ISD file …