Mars Sample Return Terrain Relative Navigation HiRISE DTM and Orthoimage Mosaics

Digital Elevation Model | Data | Grey Scale | Merge | Raster Data | Regional Mosaic | Remote-sensing Data | Topographic Map 2025-02-28

The main download (above) contains the created DTM, Orthoimage, and Confidence mosaics as a zip file. Background: In order to support the landing and operations of NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance rover, the

Mars 2020 Science Investigation CTX DEM Mosaic

Digital Elevation Model | Grey Scale | Landing Site Map | Raster Data | Regional Mosaic | Remote-sensing Data | Topographic Map 2021-10-14

This product represents a CTX digital elevation model (DEM/DTM) mosaic at 20 m/pixel from stereo pairs covering Jezero crater. This mosaic includes the original Mars 2020 Jezero CTX TRN DEM but

Mars 2020 Terrain Relative Navigation Context Camera Orthorectified Image Mosaic

Grey Scale | Image | Landing Site Map | Remote-sensing Data 2020-07-24

This is a visible image mosaic generated from the Context Camera (CTX) images from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission. This product is the Lander Visions System (LVS) map that will be onboard

Mars 2020 Terrain Relative Navigation CTX DTM Mosaic

Digital Elevation Model | Landing Site Map | Remote-sensing Data | Topographic Map 2020-07-24

The Mars 2020 rover will explore Jezero crater, Mars to investigate an ancient delta for evidence of past microbial life and to better understand the geologic history of the region. The landing

Mars 2020 Terrain Relative Navigation HiRISE Orthorectified Image Mosaic

Grey Scale | Landing Site Map | Raster Data | Remote-sensing Data 2020-07-24

The Mars 2020 rover will explore Jezero crater, Mars to investigate an ancient delta for evidence of past microbial life and to better understand the geologic history of the region. The landing

Topographic Slopes of Mars 2020 Landing Site Jezero West

Digital Elevation Model | Landing Site Map | Raster Data 2017-03-20

This product represents adirectional topographic slopes over 20 meter horizontal baselines within part of a candidate landing site for the Mars2020 mission. The slope map was derived from a CTX-based digital terrain