Source code for
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import math
import numpy as np
[docs]def zero360(angles, rad=False):
Convert angle to base 0-360
angles : float
a scalar angle to convert
rad : boolean
flag whether angles are in radians
bb : float
converted angle
if rad:
half = math.pi
half = 180.0
circle = 2.0 * half
ii = np.floor(angles / circle)
bb = angles - circle * ii
#Negative values to positive
bb[bb < 0] += circle
return bb
[docs]def julian2ls(date, marsyear=None, reverse=False):
Original IDL from Hugh Keiffer
date : numeric
Scalar or NumPy ndarray or dates
marsyear : float
Mars year for use in reverse
reverse : bool
Reverse conversion from L_{s} to julian
out : numeric
float or array of float LsubS or Julian dates
myn : float
If LsubS to Mars year, return the Mars year
[1] M. Allison and M. McEwen.' A post-Pathfinder evaluation of areocentric
solar coordinates with improved timing recipes for Mars seasonal/diurnal
climate studies'. Plan. Space Sci., 2000, v=48, pages = {215-235},
if not isinstance(date, np.ndarray):
date = np.asarray([date], dtype=np.float64)
rec= np.array([-0.0043336633,0.0043630568,0.0039601861,0.029025116,-0.00042300026])
dj2000 = 2451545.0 # JD of epoch J2000
dj4m = 51544.50 # days offset from dj4 to djm
smja = 1.523679 # semi-major axis in AU, Table 2. last digit from Ref2
meanmotion = 0.52402075 # mean motion, degrees/day. Constant in Table 2
a5 = np.array([71,57,39,37,21,20,18]) * 0.0001
tau = np.array([2.2353,2.7543,1.1177,15.7866,2.1354,2.4694,32.8493])
phi = np.array([49.409,168.173,191.837,21.736,15.704,95.528,49.095])
if reverse:
#Convert from lsubs to julian
lsubs = date
delta_lsubs = lsubs - 250.99864
rdelta_lsubs= np.radians(delta_lsubs)
dj4 = 51507.5 + 1.90826 * delta_lsubs -\
20.42 * np.sin(rdelta_lsubs) +\
0.72 * np.sin( 2. * rdelta_lsubs) # Eq. 14
brak = 686.9726 + 0.0043 * np.cos(rdelta_lsubs) -\
0.0003 * np.cos(2. * rdelta_lsubs) # in brackets in Eq 14
if marsyear is None:
return False
ny=marsyear + 42 # orbits of mars since 1874.0
dj4 += brak * (ny - 66) # last part of Eq. 14
djtt= dj4 - dj4m # days from J2000 TT
tcen = djtt / 36525.0 # julian centuries from J2000
tcor= 64.184 + tcen * (59.0 + tcen * (-51.2 + tcen * (-67.1 - tcen * 16.4))) # TT-UTC
djm=djtt - tcor / 86400.0 # convert correction to days and apply
out=djm # out is UTC
#Convert from julian to lsubs
if date[0] < 1.e6: #Is this the intended functionality - what if date[0] < and date [1] >
djm = date
djm = date - dj2000
tcen = djm / 36525.0 # julian centuries from J2000
tcor = 64.184 + tcen * (59.0 + tcen * (-51.2 + tcen * (-67.1 - tcen * 16.4))) # TT-UTC
djtt = djm + tcor / 86400.0 # convert correction to days and apply. get TT
dj4 = djtt + dj4m # A+M's MJD
nelements = date.size
pbs = np.zeros(nelements)
for i in range(nelements):
q = 0.985626 * djtt[i]
rq = np.radians(q / tau + phi)
pbsi = a5 * np.cos(rq)
pbs[i] = pbsi.sum()
meananomoly = 19.3870 + meanmotion * djtt # Mean anomoly M, Table 2 and Eq. 16
rmeananomoly = np.radians(meananomoly) # M in radians
#Eqn of center, in brackets in eq 20 and all but the first term in eq 19. exclude pbs
eoc = (10.691 + 3.e-7 * djtt) * np.sin(rmeananomoly)\
+ 0.623 * np.sin(2. * rmeananomoly) + 0.050 * np.sin(3. * rmeananomoly)\
+ 0.005 * np.sin(4. * rmeananomoly) + 0.0005 * np.sin(5. * rmeananomoly)
if reverse:
j = reverse.size
rev = [0]
if j >= 5:
#User has supplied coefficients
rec = rev
if j < 5 and rev[0] < 5:
fd = 0.0
fd=rec[0] + rec[1]* np.sin(rdelta_lsubs)\
+ rec[2] * np.sin(2. * rdelta_lsubs)\
+ rec[3] * np.sin(3. * rdelta_lsubs)\
+ rec[4] * np.sin(4. * rdelta_lsubs)
#TODO: This looks like reversing is going to cause an fd undefined error if j >= 5
out = out - ( pbs / meananomoly + fd)
afms = 270.3863 + 0.52403840 * djtt # Eq. 17
lsubs = afms + eoc + pbs # Eq. 19 LS in degrees
lsubs = zero360(lsubs)
out= lsubs
marstyear = 686.9728 # mean mars tropical year in terrestrial days
#marsysol=668.5991 #mars siderial year in sols
ny = np.floor((dj4 - 5668.690)/ marstyear ) # full Mars years from 1874
myn = ny - 42 # climate MY
if reverse:
return out
return out, myn
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(julian2ls(178, marsyear=40, reverse=True))