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ISIS Release Schedule

This document describes the cadence and schedule for ISIS releases.

Release Cadence

Releases and development of ISIS3 follows a time based schedule with a new release occurring every three months. Below, we illustrate a sample four month snapshot of software development.

Release Cadence

Example of ISIS Release Cadence

At the start of Month 1, a Release Candidate (RC1) is created from the dev branch of our GitHub repository. This RC contains all development from the previous (not shown) three months. RC1 is made publicly available as both a labelled branch and via our (conda) download page. During Month 1, we solicit input and testing from the broader community. Any issues identified in RC1 will be fixed during Month 1. At the conclusion of Month 1, the release is packaged and the next ISIS3 release is made available for the general public using (and the default main label).

During Month 1 through Month 3, we continue with new feature development for RC2. At the start of Month 4, we repeat the same release candidate and release process as described above.

Feature Freeze

When a Release Candidate is branched from the dev branch, a feature freeze is put into effect. Any feature additions that occur after a release candidate has been branched will be included in a future RC (and release). In other words, features added prior to the creation of a RC will be included in the next release. The only instances where this may not hold true is if significant, previously unidentified issues are identified during the testing of a RC that are associated with a new feature addition. In that case, we would back out the feature and recreate the RC.


As described above, we will release on a three month cadence. Releases will be labelled via GitHub for those users that wish to build from source. Additionally, releases will be uploaded to our repository for conda installation.

Release Schedule

Version # / Label Type Date
4.3.0 Release 10.26.20
4.4.0 Release 2.8.21
5.0.0_RC Release Candidate 4.1.21
5.0.0 Release 4.27.21
6.0.0_RC Release Candidate 8.1.21
6.0.0 Release 7.25.21
7.0.0_RC1 Release Candidate 3.4.22
7.0.0_RC2 Release Candidate 4.15.22
7.0.0 Release 5.2.22
7.1.0_RC Release Candidate 8.1.22
7.1.0 Release 9.20.22
7.2.0_RC Release Candidate 11.7.22
7.2.0 Release 03.21.23
8.0.0 LTS Release 8.2.23
8.1.0 Release 11.2.23
8.2.0 Release 04.27.24
9.0.0 LTS Release 8.2.24
8.0.* LTS End of Life 2.2.25