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ISIS Test Data

GTests and Legacy Makefile-based Tests

ISIS has of two types of tests: custom Makefile based tests, and GTests. The GTests use data from the ISIS repo along with the source, so no special data is required to run those, aside from the ISIS data area.

The Makefile tests depend on a separate source of input and truth data data. The $ISISTESTDATA environmental variable is used to locate that data. The size of this test data decreases as we convert more Makefile tests to GTests.

Test Types

  • Unit Tests - tests for nearly every C++ class or struct in the ISIS library
    • Examples: Histogram, ProcessByLine, or VoyagerCamera
  • Application Tests - regression tests for individual applications
    • Examples: fx, lowpass, or cam2map
  • Module Tests - regression tests for chains of multiple applications
    • Example: vims2isisspiceinitcam2map

Data Locations


Test data for GTests is usually embedded in the test source code under $ISISROOT/isis/tests.

Makefile-based Tests

Input data for the make-based tests is embedded in the unittest.cpp in the source code directory for the class, or an external file in the ISISDATA or ISISTESTDATA areas. Output test data for the make-based tests is always in the source code directory for the class.

Regression tests have both input and truth data stored in the ISISTESTDATA area. Input and truth data files can be ISIS cubes, control networks, plain text, Parameter Value Language (PVL), Planetary Data System images (PDS3, PDS4), or comma-separated value (CSV) files.

Setting Up Tests

ISIS Development Environment

To run and develop tests, you need a full ISIS development environment. The public releases don't include the test source code or data.

Environmental variables

The environmental variable ISISTESTDATA needs to point to the path where you want to store the ISIS Test Data.

# Activate your environment
conda activate isis

# Set the variable
conda env config vars set ISISTESTDATA=/path/to/your/isis_test_data/

# Reactivate your environment
conda deactivate
conda activate isis
export ISISTESTDATA=/path/to/your/isis_test_data
setenv ISISTESTDATA=/path/to/your/isis_test_data

Downloading Test Data

ISIS unit and regression tests require the data and test data directories to be available, and need their respective environment variables (ISISDATA, ISISTESTDATA) to be set. This allows the tests to read files from these areas and compare results to known truth data.

Test data is hosted in Amazon S3. We recommend using rclone to download the data. In conda, you can install rclone with:

conda install –c conda-forge rclone

Isis's rclone config is located at isis/config/rclone.conf in the ISIS repo. To download the ISIS Test Data:

rclone --config isis/config/rclone.conf sync asc_s3:asc-isisdata/isis_testData/ $ISISTESTDATA
Test data rclone command breakdown
  • $ISISTESTDATA is an environmental variable pointing to the test data location
  • --config .../rclone.conf points to ISIS's rclone.conf
  • asc_s3: is the name of S3 configuration in ISIS's rclone.conf
  • asc-isisdata/isis_testData/ is the name of the S3 bucket you’re downloading from
rclone copy/sync can overwrite data!

Note the difference between rclone sync and copy:

  • copy will overwrite all data in the destination with data from source.
  • sync replaces only changed data.

Syncing or copying in either direction (local → remote; remote → local) results in any changed data being overwritten without warning.

After running the rclone command, $ISISTESTDATA should contain a full clone of the ISIS test data for running Makefile-based tests.

Downloading specific files

You can download specific files from the bucket by adding path data or file information to the first argument. Take note of the rclone config, or, use the ISIS included isis/config/rclone.conf.

To download only the base folder from the isis_testData bucket:

rclone --config isis/config/rclone.conf sync asc_s3:asc-isisdata/isis_testData/base

Contributing New Tests and Tests Fixtures

Source code for unit and regression GTests is in the ISIS GitHub repo. Data used by legacy Makefile tests is hosted on AWS S3.

Testing is required for changes to ISIS classes and apps. This may entail changes or additions to the test data. Tests and test data should be created as part of GitHub PRs. Any contributions of test data/fixtures should follow our testing guidelines.

No new Makefile-based tests or data

Because all tests are now written in gtest, no changes to the S3-hosted ISISTESTDATA area are currently accepted.