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Adding USGSCSM Plugin to ISIS


Upcoming ISIS version 8.2 and future releases will include the USGSCSM library and does not require a separate installation of the plugin.

ISIS versions 8.0LTS, 8.1, and earlier require a separate installation of the USGSCSM plugin as shown below.

For users

You can install the latest USGSCSM library via conda:

conda install conda-forge::usgscsm

For developers


For USGSCSM versions 2.0 and above, the plugin is installed in $CONDA_PREFIX/lib/csmplugins/ in an Anaconda environment.

Plugin setup

If you are testing a new plugin or using older versions of USGSCSM/ISIS, you will need to update your IsisPreferences file located under the ISIS3/isis directory with the appropriate plugin path change.

For example, if your CONDA_PREFIX path is not the same are your ISISROOT path, you can add "$CONDA_PREFIX/lib/csmplugins/" to your IsisPreferences file under Group = Plugins:

Group = Plugins
  CSMDirectory = ("$CONDA_PREFIX/lib/csmplugins/", -
                  "$ISISROOT/lib/csmplugins/", -
                  "$ISISROOT/lib/isis/csm3.0.3/", -
                  "$ISISROOT/csmlibs/3.0.3/", -

Using your local build

If you are working on USGSCSM, you can build a local conda package of USGSCSM and install that in your ISIS conda environment for testing.

Step 1: Create your local build

First, activate your ISIS environment:

conda activate isis3

Second, go to your USGSCSM /build directory if it already exists and remove the CMakeCache.txt file:

cd <path-to-repos>/usgscsm/build
rm -rf CMakeCache.txt

Third, run cmake while specifying the installation to be located in your currently activated conda environment's directory:



Verify that you are in an activated conda environment: echo $CONDA_PREFIX

Once the cmake command has finished running, build and install your local build:

make install

Step 2: Install your local build

First, make sure you are in the conda environment you installed the USGSCSM library to.

Second, check if the USGSCSM package is conda installed. If so, remove it from your environment:

conda list usgscsm
conda remove --force usgscsm

Third, remove the cmake cache from your ISIS build dir and re-build ISIS:

cd <path-to-repos>/ISIS3/build
rm -rf CMakeCache.txt

Step 3: Test your local build

Make sure your local build of USGSCSM is installed properly by running csminit:

which csminit
csminit -h