How-To Guides¶
How-to guides are much like recipes in a recipe book. Write how-to docs to solve specific problems quickly, sometimes copy-pastable. Think of how-to guides as preemptive StackOverflow-like problems.
For Readers¶
Use the table of contents on the left to start browsing guides.
For Authors¶
Before you start writing a new How-To guide. Make sure what you are writing belongs here. These are similar to getting-started guides, in that they explain to users how to perform some valuable tasks with the software, but distinct in that they:
- Solve practical problems for more experienced users
- Offer more ambiguous starting points; they should be reusable in many different contexts
- Can be much shorter than getting-started docs.
- How-to: generate an ISD via loads with specific kernels
- How-to: get GEOJSON from ISIS footprints
- Cookbook of common operations in a library