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Tutorial: Generating a CSM Camera Model from PDS Image in Knoten with Basic Camera Operations

1. Prerequisites

Install Knoten

This tutorial requires Knoten version 0.4 or higher.

conda install -c conda-forge knoten=0.4

Install Matplotlib

This tutorial requires matplotlib.

conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib

2. Create a CSM camera for a PDS image

import os
import json
import shapely.wkt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import urllib.request
from csmapi import csmapi
import pandas as pd

import ale
from knoten import csm, sensor_utils
from knoten.shape import Ellipsoid
from knoten.illuminator import Illuminator

3. Download the image from the PDS archives

data_dir = '../data/image_to_ground'
filename = os.path.join(data_dir, "B10_013341_1010_XN_79S172W.IMG")

downloader = urllib.request.URLopener()
downloader.retrieve("", filename)

4. Set Ale SPICE Data Area

If an ale driver is going to be used that leverages SPICE data, it is necessary to set the ALESPICEROOT.

For this example, the necessary SPICE data is preselected. In most cases, you do not know what kernels are needed for a particular image.

To set your spice area, one can do this using normal shell syntax, e.g.:

export ALESPICEROOT=/path/to/ale/spice

or inside of a conda environment:

conda env config vars set ALESPICEROOT=/path/to/ale/spice.

See instructions for installing SPICE data here.

props = {
    'kernels': [
        os.path.join(data_dir, 'B10_013341_1010_XN_79S172W_0.bsp'),
        os.path.join(data_dir, 'B10_013341_1010_XN_79S172W_1.bsp'),
        os.path.join(data_dir, 'mro_ctx_v11.ti'),
        os.path.join(data_dir, 'mro_sc_psp_090526_090601_0_sliced_-74000.bc'),
        os.path.join(data_dir, 'mro_sc_psp_090526_090601_1_sliced_-74000.bc'),
        os.path.join(data_dir, 'mro_sclkscet_00082_65536.tsc'),
        os.path.join(data_dir, ''),
        os.path.join(data_dir, 'naif0012.tls'),
        os.path.join(data_dir, 'pck00008.tpc')

5. Generate and Write an Ale ISD

isd_string = ale.loads(filename, props=props)
csm_isd = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.json'

with open(csm_isd, 'w') as isd_file:

6. Create a CSM Camera Model from ISD

camera = csm.create_csm(csm_isd)

7. Get the footprint using the camera model and plot it

with open(csm_isd, 'r') as fp:
    aledict = json.load(fp)

nlines, nsamples = aledict["image_lines"], aledict["image_samples"]

boundary = csm.generate_boundary((nlines, nsamples))

lons, lats, alts = csm.generate_latlon_boundary(camera, boundary)

plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [5, 5]
plt.plot(lons, lats)
plt.xlabel("Longitude (deg)")
plt.ylabel("Latitude (deg)")
plt.title("CSM footprint")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'CSM footprint')
No description has been provided for this image
bodyfixed_footprint = csm.generate_bodyfixed_footprint(camera, boundary)

csm_wkt = bodyfixed_footprint.ExportToWkt()

csm_geom = shapely.wkt.loads(csm_wkt)
csm_x, csm_y = csm_geom.geoms[0].exterior.coords.xy

plt.plot(csm_x, csm_y)
plt.title("Body Fixed Footprint")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Body Fixed Footprint')
No description has been provided for this image

8. Get Camera Info at an Image Point

image_pt = csmapi.ImageCoord(nlines/2, nsamples/2)
shape = Ellipsoid.from_csm_sensor(camera)
illuminator = Illuminator()
caminfo = {
    "PhaseAngle": sensor_utils.phase_angle(image_pt, camera, shape, illuminator),
    "EmissionAngle": sensor_utils.emission_angle(image_pt, camera, shape),
    "SlantDistance": sensor_utils.slant_distance(image_pt, camera, shape),
    "TargetCenterDistance": sensor_utils.target_center_distance(image_pt, camera),
    "SubSpacecraftLatitude": sensor_utils.sub_spacecraft_point(image_pt, camera).lat,
    "SubSpacecraftLongitude": sensor_utils.sub_spacecraft_point(image_pt, camera).lon,
    "LocalRadius": sensor_utils.local_radius(image_pt, camera, shape),
    "RightAscension": sensor_utils.right_ascension_declination(image_pt, camera)[0],
    "Declination": sensor_utils.right_ascension_declination(image_pt, camera)[1],
    "LineResolution": sensor_utils.line_resolution(image_pt, camera, shape),
    "SampleResolution": sensor_utils.sample_resolution(image_pt, camera, shape),
    "PixelResolution": sensor_utils.pixel_resolution(image_pt, camera, shape),


{'PhaseAngle': 58.986916499957154,
 'EmissionAngle': 0.10161336902837881,
 'SlantDistance': 251124.1495516768,
 'TargetCenterDistance': 3628059.1980234315,
 'SubSpacecraftLatitude': -78.89842320708418,
 'SubSpacecraftLongitude': 187.2644730283536,
 'LocalRadius': 3376935.3088204544,
 'RightAscension': 6.933803726271131,
 'Declination': 78.9463718229981,
 'LineResolution': 6.0485566304149945,
 'SampleResolution': 5.017404463546378,
 'PixelResolution': 5.532980546980687}