Planetary Data: Workshops for Users and Software Developers 


Purpose and Scope: The wealth of data now available for planetary research has created the need for new tools and capabilities for storing, delivering, and working with the data using cutting-edge methods. The goals of these workshops are to bring together planetary scientists, data providers from current and recent space exploration missions, data archivists, and software and technology experts to exchange ideas on current capabilities and needs for improved and new tools that can be used to address evolving needs in planetary research and data analysis. Encouraged topics include the availability of planetary data, including information on how the data are found, downloaded, processed, and used for cartography and scientific analysis; trends in data storage and rapid access; analysis and visualization tools using current and new algorithms and methods; hands-on training and how-to guides for acquiring, processing, and working with a variety of digital planetary data; and publicly available derived data products and services, including Geographic Information Systems, featuring data and tools customized for planetary data analysis. 


5th Planetary Data Workshop and Planetary Science and Data Analytics Workshop (June 28 - July 2, 2021)

2021 Agenda at LPI

4th Data Workshop (June 18-20, 2019):

2019 Agenda at LPI

3rd Data Workshop (June 12-15, 2017):

LPI hosted abstracts

2017 Agenda and Presentations 

2nd Data Workshop (2015):

Draft Abstract Volume | (LPI hosted abstracts)

2015 Agenda and Presentations

(individual days are listed across top of agenda page).

1st Data Workshop (2012):

Published Abstract Volume

2012 Agenda and Presentations

(individual days are listed across top of agenda page).

The workshops have been sponsored by the NASA Planetary Data System, the Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program, and the Regional Planetary Image Facility Network. LPI has helped to set up and plan the 2nd - 5th workshops.


Next Workshop

  • To be announced


Trent Hare, USGS

Tom Stein
Washington University in St. Louis